Utilization of wheat bran as by-product to produce pectin to be effective on lead acetate toxicity in rats

Document Type : Original Article


Nutrition and Food Science Department, Faculty of Home Economics, AI-Azhar University, Egypt


Utilization of wheat bran as by-product to produce pectin to be effective on lead acetate toxicity in rats Amira M. EJ-MosJemany Nutrition and Food Science Department, Faculty of Home Economics, AI-Azhar University, Egypt Abstract This study was carried out to be use wheat bran (rough and soft) as aby-product to produce pectin to be effective on lead acetate toxicity in rats. The biological experimental was design using male rats (36 rats) divided into six groups and it was fed on basal diet for four weeks. The first group (n= 6 rats) was administered plain water considered as negative control. The second group (n= 6 rats) was taken 0.13% lead acetate in drinking water considered as positive control. The third and fourth groups (n= 6 rats for each) was taken orally pectin 200 and 400 mg/kg/day prepared from rough wheat and it was taken 0.13% lead acetate in drinking water. The fifth and sixth groups (n= 6 rats for each) was taken orally pectin 200 and 400 mg/kg/day prepared from soft wheat) and it was taken 0.13% lead acetate in drinking water. At the end of experimental period (30 day)complete blood picture, Red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs) were measured. The lipids profile, serum liver enzymes activity, kidney functions and pancreatic function were determinedand also histopathological was examined in the liver. The results showed that the lead acetate was significantly induced decreased in RBCs, WBCs counts, blood hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets. In the 




Egyptian J. of Nutrition Vol. XXXIII No.3 (2018) Utilization of wheat bran as by-product to produce pectin to be effective on lead acetate toxicity in rats Amira M. EJ-MosJemany Nutrition and Food Science Department, Faculty of Home Economics, AI-Azhar University, Egypt Abstract This study was carried out to be use wheat bran (rough and soft) as aby-product to produce pectin to be effective on lead acetate toxicity in rats. The biological experimental was design using male rats (36 rats) divided into six groups and it was fed on basal diet for four weeks. The first group (n= 6 rats) was administered plain water considered as negative control. The second group (n= 6 rats) was taken 0.13% lead acetate in drinking water considered as positive control. The third and fourth groups (n= 6 rats for each) was taken orally pectin 200 and 400 mg/kg/day prepared from rough wheat and it was taken 0.13% lead acetate in drinking water. The fifth and sixth groups (n= 6 rats for each) was taken orally pectin 200 and 400 mg/kg/day prepared from soft wheat) and it was taken 0.13% lead acetate in drinking water. At the end of experimental period (30 day)complete blood picture, Red blood cells (RBCs) and white blood cells (WBCs) were measured. The lipids profile, serum liver enzymes activity, kidney functions and pancreatic function were determinedand also histopathological was examined in the liver. The results showed that the lead acetate was significantly induced decreased in RBCs, WBCs counts, blood hemoglobin, hematocrit and platelets. In the 125


Amira M. EI-Moslemany contrary, liver enzymes, kidney function and also pancreatic enzymes were significantly increased in positive control rat groupas compared to negative control. 'Meanwhile, all lipid profile decreased in the positive group as compared to the negative control group, except LDL-c. Pectin from rough and soft wheat bran were significantly decreased the effect of lead acetate on the tested parameters. Histopathological examination clearly indicated that pectin from rough and soft wheat bran were eliminated from the harmful effect of lead acetate on liver tissues. From the obviously results it could be recommended that the pectin from rough and soft wheat bran have advantageous effects and it could may be able to become hostile for lead toxicity. Moreover, it was contributed to fast elimination on the toxicity and removed it from the blood. It could be recommended that pectin from rough and soft wheat bran has highly effect to binding the lead and should improvement of human nutrition to lowering the lead contamination in food and water. Introduction In the last decades, the amount of contamination has increased by lead ions (Pb2+) and it was becoming an important problem in public human health. This contaminant can be present in the atmosphere, rivers, soil, etc., and represents a dangerous warning to public human health, living materials, and environmental systems, not only but also due to its true high toxicity and accumulation effects (Cao et al., 2015). In addition, there are cases where people are in direct contact with lead through the skin or by ingestion of lead-based objects such as batteries (Maikoe and Van Rijn, 2010). A large amount of devices commonly used these days (including gadgets) are powered by batteries, and most of these 126


of lipid Pectin is heteropolysaccharide n'''''"...,rn in all higher plants. and removes cholesterol Egyptian J. of Nutrition Vol. XXXIII No.3 (2018) batteries are based on heavy~metal ions (cadmium, mercury, chromium, including lead. Metwallyet al., (2015) found that the lead is toxic for virtually of the body and the liver is considered as one of the by lead toxicity due to founds of the in the liver after exposure to lead toxicity. Moreover, the liver is one of the major organs in detoxification of toxic materials. is e>Tr.'-Orl in soft tissues at most in liver through portal which that it can be used to morphological changes cells. Silbergeldet at, (2000) begin in an action to inhibitions the Furthermore, found of oxygen oxidation and reduction of phytochemical. All were the organs examine histological can major contributors to ,c;aU-COAU'U Lead is known to cause histological liver increased liver enzyme levels which et ai., 2004). mainly of galacturonic acid as a soluble Pectin can be swells in the forming a gelatinous mass that adsorbs and other toxic products from the body, improves blood circulation (Thakuret ai., 1997). positive on the regulation of metabolism, Pectin has a body toxins and slag, normalizing 1


Amira M. EI-Moslemany intestinal microflora (Hotimchenko et 2005). Pectin is able to absorb toxins, anabolic steroids, xenobiotics, cholesterol, bile acids, bilirubin, serotonin, histamine, cell products and biologically harmful substances that accumulate in body (Ovodov, 2009). Cholesterol level blood were by as pentosans, pectin, gums, and mucilage. Moreover, soluble was performs important physiological functions, prevents gastrointestinal problems, protects the of several cancers, and increases mineral bioavailability (Chawla and Patil, 2010). the effect of two levels pectin from wheat bran on suffering from toxicity by acetate. The study was carried out Material and Method Materials: Pure COOh Pb 3H20] was purchased from Louis, Mo). Lead acetate was in distilled water. corn oil, corn starch, sucrose, cellulose, salt mixture and vitamin obtained from the Cairo Company for Chemical Trading, Egypt. Male Wister adult (36 weight ranging 170-180 g were purchased from the animal colony, Helwan farm, Vaccine and Immunity Organization, Ministry Cairo­128

Egyptian J. of Nutrition Vol. XXXIII No.3 (2018) Fig. (5): Liver rats received 400 mg 6) : Liver rats received 200 mg /kg//kg-1 ,Fig day body-weight from pectin daybody weighlfrbm-pectfri isolated isolated fromrough wheat bran from soft wheat bran and 0.13% lead showing diffuse vascular acetate showing necrosis of some degenerative changes of hepatocytes hepatocytes (H. E. X: 400). otherswere necrosis (H. E. X:400). Fig (7): Liver rats received 400 mg /kg/ day, from pectin isolated from soft wheat bran and 0.13% lead acetate showing infiltration of edema in between the hepatocytes (H. E. X: 400). 151
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