__A_~ti-diabetic action of probiotic fermented 'legumes on type 2~diabetic patients

Document Type : Original Article


1 Microbiology Dept. Faculty Of Agriculture Mansoura University, Egypt

2 Nutrition and Food Science, Home Economics, Faculty Of Specific Education, Mansoura University, Egypt


This study aimed to investigate the effect of receiving fermented legumes on type 2 diabetec patients. Three common legumes (Fababean,Chickpea andSoybean) were fermented using yogurt starter culture (Lactobacillus delbrueckiibulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. Thermophilus)orprobioticbacteriamixedculture(Lactobacillu sacidophilus, Bifidobacteri umsp < /span>. andS. thermophilus) . Fermented leguminous purees were sensory and chemically evaluated.Antidiabetic effect was investigatedon type 2 diabetes patients. Results revealed thatthe most acceptable odor, mouth feeling and overall acceptability scores were observed for Y Chick pea puree (8.2 ± 0.2 ), Y Soy bean puree (8.4 ± 0.2) and Y Fababean.Uric acid value as it increased from 8.00 to 9.00 after receiving fermented legumes puree. Y soy bean and P chickpea recorded the highest increase in urea level (11 .00 and 12.00,




Egyptian J. of Nutrition Vol. XXXIII No.3 (2018) ; __A_~ti-diabetic action of probiotic fermented 'legumes on type 2~diabetic patients Aida H. Afify*, FatmaM.Elzamazamy**, M.A.E.Selim *,A. F. Elrefay* Microbiology Dept. Faculty Of Agriculture Mansoura University, Egypt* Nutrition and Food Science, Home Economics, Faculty Of Specific Education, Mansoura University, Egypt** Abstract This study aimed to investigate the effect of receiving fermented legumes on type 2 diabetec patients. Three common legumes (Fababean,Chickpea andSoybean) were fermented using yogurt starter culture (Lactobacillus delbrueckiibulgaricus and Streptococcus salivarius subsp. Thermophilus)orprobioticbacteriamixedculture(Lactobacillu sacidophilus, Bifidobacteri umsp. andS. thermophilus) . Fermented leguminous purees were sensory and chemically evaluated.Antidiabetic effect was investigatedon type 2 diabetes patients. Results revealed thatthe most acceptable odor, mouth feeling and overall acceptability scores were observed for Y Chick pea puree (8.2 ± 0.2 ), Y Soy bean puree (8.4 ± 0.2) and Y Fababean.Uric acid value as it increased from 8.00 to 9.00 after receiving fermented legumes puree. Y soy bean and P chickpea recorded the highest increase in urea level (11 .00 and 12.00, 57


Aida H. Afify, Fatma M.Elzamazamy, M.A.E.Selim IA. F. Elrefay respectively).Significant decreases in Fasting Blood Glucose, Post Blood Glucose and HbA 1c for all groups either in treatment groups comparing to positive control or in treated groups after experiment comparing to levels before receiving fermented legumes. The decrease after experiment in total cholesterol and triglycerides levels were significant for all treated groups. Introduction Diabetes mellitus is the most prevalent metabolic disorder. It is characterized by hyperglycemia that attributed to an prorated or absolute insulin deficiency and is associated with long-term complications affect the secretion of insulin, heart, kidneys, eyes and nerves (Gispen and Biesseis, 2000).Functional foods are defined as 'the foods contain health support components beyond the traditionally food nutrients'.Functional foods are also referred to as therapeutic foods, designer foods, medifoods,nutraceuticals, medicinal foods,superfoodsandfoodiceuticals (Shah et al., 2001) Fermented foods are food substances that are overgrown by edible microorganisms whose enzyme, especiallyproteases, lipase, amylases hydrolyze the protein, lipids and polysaccharides to nontoxic products with pleasant aromas,textures and flavors that make it attractive to the human consumer(Stinkraus, 1996).Probiotics are viable non-pathogenic microorganisms which, when ingested,exhibits a positive effects on health or physiology of the host (Marleau et al., 2001). Fermentation improves pulse texture, flavor, shelf-life, appearance, nutritional quality and nutrient digestibility. 58

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