Nutritional evaluation of different pasta prepared from quinoa and barley fraction D containing high β- glucan

Document Type : Original Article


Special Food and Nutrition Department, Food Technology Research Institute.Agriculture Research Center, Ministry of Agriculture, Giza, Egypt.


The main target of this investigation is to study the effect of the prepared pasta supplemented with barley fraction D (FD) (high β-glucan) and quinoa added to pasta products on lipid profile, liver and kidney functions in rats fed on hypercholesterolemic diet. Semolina and maize pasta supplemented with barley F.D (30%, 20%, respectively) and quinoa flour (30%) as well as quinoa pasta supplemented with 20 %F.D. Also, semolina, maize and quinoa pasta were used as control (100%). Sixty male albino rats were put on normal diet for two weeks for adaptation then divided into ten groups (six rats of each). The negative group (control 1) was fed on normal diet, positive group (control 2) was fed on normal diet supplemented with 10% saturated fatty acid (sheep fat), 1% cholesterol and 0.25% cholic acid. From third group to ten groups were fed as the second group + different percentage of semolina, maize, quinoa and F.D. Blood samples of all experimental rats were taken at the beginning, after induction ( 4 weeks) and at final of the experience (10 weeks).Blood samples were collected to determine lipids profile as well as liver and kidney functions. The results showed that positive group (C2) was the major risk factor for induce hypercholesterolemia. The diet fortified by barley F.D that high β-glucan and quinoa flour at different percents improved the lipid profile, liver and kidney functions, and body weight gain, compared with positive group (C2). Histopathological changes were improved. Finally, the last group (G8) which was fed on 80% quinoa + 20 % F.D is similar to a (negative control) in most parameters and outperformed it in High density lipoprotein (HDL).


Nutritional evaluation of different pasta prepared from quinoa and barley fraction D containing

high β- glucan


Enayat Mahmoud Hassan,* Magda Ibrahim Hassan,* Sohair Mohamed  El-Kayati,** Mona Mahmoud  Abd EL-Salam.**


*Food Science Department, Faculty of Agriculture

Cairo University, Giza, Egypt.

** Food Science and Technology, Plant Production Department, Desert Research Center, Cairo, Egypt.




The main target of this investigation is to study the effect of the prepared pasta supplemented with barley fraction D (FD) (high β-glucan) and quinoa added to pasta products on lipid profile, liver and kidney functions in rats fed on hypercholesterolemic diet. Semolina and maize pasta supplemented with barley F.D (30%, 20%, respectively) and quinoa flour (30%) as well as quinoa pasta supplemented with 20 %F.D. Also, semolina, maize and quinoa pasta were used as control (100%). Sixty male albino rats were put on normal diet for two weeks for adaptation then divided into ten groups (six rats of each). The negative group (control 1) was fed on normal diet, positive group (control 2) was fed on normal diet supplemented with 10% saturated fatty acid (sheep fat), 1% cholesterol and 0.25% cholic acid. From third group to ten groups were fed as the second group + different percentage of semolina, maize, quinoa and F.D. Blood samples of all experimental rats were taken at the beginning, after induction ( 4 weeks) and at final of the experience (10 weeks).Blood samples were collected to determine lipids profile as well as liver and kidney functions. The results showed that positive group (C2) was the major risk factor for induce hypercholesterolemia. The diet fortified by barley F.D that high β-glucan and quinoa flour at different percents improved the lipid profile, liver and kidney functions, and body weight gain, compared with positive group (C2). Histopathological changes were improved. Finally, the last group (G8) which was fed on 80% quinoa + 20 % F.D is similar to a (negative control) in most parameters and outperformed it in High density lipoprotein (HDL).




Hypercholesterolemia and hyperlipidimia are responsible to several other diseases such as liver or kidney tissues damage, obesity, and blood pressure.  The increasing level of low density lipoprotein (LDL) causes an increase of free radicals and lipid peroxidation products, these compounds are considered the main factors for occurring heart diseases, atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome(Olorunnisola et al., 2012 and Swelim et. al., 2019).


Some cereals and pseudo-cereals can play vital role in our lifestyles, to sufficient consumer demands such as physiological properties and metabolic syndrome.

Barley is considered an excellent source of dietary fiber, functional food ingredient for containing fraction D (F.D) which is high in β-glucan. The beta-glucan has important health impacts on coronary heart diseases, and reducing the glycogenic response (Skrbic et al., 2009). As well as, β-glucan of barley succeed in reducing triglycerides (TG), total cholesterol (TC), low density lipoprotein cholesterol(LDL-c) and very low density lipoprotein cholesterol (vLDL-c). However, Barley β-glucan improves high density lipoprotein (HDL-c), liver and kidney functions (Swelim et al., 2019). So, consumers have become more interesting to utilize barley as a good source of food (Paul et al., 2013; Fernandes et al., 2018; Ghada, 2019 and Swelim et al., 2019).

Quinoa has a good biological value (73% BV) which is resembled to that of beef (74% BV), higher than white rice 56 %, wheat 49 % and corn 36% BV (Gordillo et al., 2016). Moreover, Quinoa includes essential amino acids, and protein ranged from 12.9 to 16.5% (Tang et al., 2015 and Jyoti and Chanu, 2018). Quinoa has improved impacts on lipid profile (TC, TG, HDL-c, LDL-c and vLDL-c) induced hypercholesterolemia in rats, liver function enzymes (AST, ALT and ALP), kidneys function by removing metabolic wastes (uric acid, urea and creatinine) (Zevallos et al., 2014 and Halaby et al., 2017). Quinoa contains higher activity of antioxidant (phenols and flavonoids) than some other cereal grains (Nowak and Ruth, 2015). Phenolic compounds are secondary plant metabolites which can prevent several degenerative disorders (Jyoti and Chanu, 2018).


The Aim of Study

The target of this study is to assess the effect of barley fraction D (high in β-glucan) and quinoa added to pasta products on lipid profile, liver and kidney functions in rats fed on hypercholesterolemic diet.





Material and Methods



Hull-less barley grains (Giza 129) and Quinoa, Chenopodium quinoa Willd (Regalona cultivar) were collected from Raas Sedr Research station, Desert Research Center of Egypt. Maize grains (Tri-hybrid 24) were obtained from local market, Semolina (Durum wheat semolina type A, 14.5% moisture) was obtained from El-Maleka Company for food industry, Egypt. Guar gum and vit.C were obtained from Alpha Zyme Company, El-Asher of Ramadan, Sharkiya governorate, Egypt.



Barley grains were dehulled by using barley mill, ground, and sieve at 325 mesh (45 µm) then, fractionated into four fractions A, B, C and D according to the method described by Knuckles et al., (1992) method.

Quinoa seeds were washed many times with hot water to remove the hulls and saponin until there was no more foam in the washing water as the method of Atef et. al., (2014), then quinoa dried at 50˚C over night. The quinoa seeds were ground to fine powder in a stainless steel electric grinder, sieved (60 mesh), then quinoa powder was kept in polyethylene bags at -18˚C.

Maize grains were cleaned from dust and foreign materials, milled by local maize milling, removed the hullsby sieving, then stored in polyethylene bags at -18˚C until using.




Preparation of pasta products:

Pasta formulas were prepared by the method described by Yousif et al., (2012) with some adjustments. Semolina, maize, barley fraction D (F.D) and quinoa flour, salt, turmeric (as color), guar gum and ascorbic acid were mixed with water.

The prepared pasta samples were evaluated organoleptically by ten panelists in the desert research center and asked them for selecting the most acceptable samples. After statistical analysis, the most acceptable samples which were chosen by all prepared pasta were eight. Semolina, maize, barley F.D (high in β-glucans) and quinoa flour with different ratios for preparing pasta are shown in Table (1).


Chemical analysis:

Fat, crud fiber of raw materials and pasta products were estimated according to the method of A.O.A.C. (2007), moisture, protein, and ash were determined using Inframatic 8600 (NIR Analyzer with 6-7 narrowband interference filters 6-7 wavelengths). Total carbohydrates were calculated by difference. Total phenols were determined according to Renata et al., (2012) using spectrophotometer (UV-VIS spectrophotometer Shimadzu 1240, at 725 nm) as Gallic acid equivalent. Calcium, magnesium, iron, zinc, manganese and cupper were determined using ICP (the inductively coupled argon plasma .iCAP 6500 Duo, Thermo Scientific, England.1000mg/l multi. Element certified standard solution, Merck, Germany was used as stock solution, for instrument standraliztions).Amino acids were determined by using amino acid analyzer as the method of Pellet and Young, (1980).β -glucan was determined according to the method described by Aman and Graham (1987).



Biological evaluation of pasta products:

Animals and design of the experiment:         

Male albino rats (Sixty) weighing 168-177 g were brought from Modern Veterinary Office, Giza, Egypt.  Each rat was put individual in stainless steel cage and retained under normal healthful laboratory circumstances at 22-24 ˚C. Water was consumed   ad libitum. Rats were fed on a normal diet (AIN, 1993) for two weeks as adaptation period. Salt and vitamin mixtures were prepared as described in AIN (1993). Temperature and humidity were adjusted at 25˚C and 60%, in succession. After two weeks, rats were classified for ten groups (each group include six rats) and kept under environmental conditions (22-24˚C and 12h. light/dark cycle).

Control (1): (normal diet) consisted of 14% casein, 4% corn oil, 1% vitamin mixture, 3.5% salt mixture, 5% cellulose, 0.25%choline chloride, 10% sucrose  and the remained is 62.25 % corn starch according to AIN (1993).

Control (2): (hypercholesterolemic diet) normal diet with substitute 4% corn oil by 10% sheep fat (saturated fatty acids), 1% cholesterol and 0.25% cholic acid.

All groups except group one fed on normal diet (negative control) were fed on the hypercholesterolemic diet for 4 weeks to induce hypercholesterolemia (Lichtman et al., 1999). After that the animal groups were fed on different tested diets for 6 weeks as shown in Table (2):







Group (1): hypercholesterolemic diet contains 50% pasta

S1 (100%semolina

Group (2): hypercholesterolemicdiet contains 50% pasta S2 (70

% semolina + 30 % F.D).

Group (3): hypercholesterolemic diet contains 50% pasta S3 (70 % semolina + 30 % quinoa).

Group (4): hypercholesterolemic diet contains 50% pasta M1 (100% maize).

Group (5): hypercholesterolemic diet contains 50% pasta M2 (80 % maize + 20 % F.D).

Group (6): hypercholesterolemic diet contains 50% pasta M3 (70 % maize + 30 % quinoa).

Group (7): hypercholesterolemic diet contains 50% pasta Q1 (100 % quinoa).

Group (8): hypercholesterolemic diet contains 50% pasta Q2 (80 % quinoa + 20 % F.D)


Blood samples:

Blood samples of all experimental rats were taken at the beginning, after induction (4 weeks) and at the final of experimental period (10 weeks). The samples of blood were collected from the eye plexus by fine capillary glass tubes. The samples were gathered into a dry clean centrifuged glass tube without any coagulant to prepare serum sample, and then centrifuged at 3000 rpm to obtain the blood serum. The blood serum was kept at -20 C˚ until determination of various biochemical parameters.


Total cholesterol level (TC) was estimated by the method of Flegg, (1973) and Allain et al., (1974), and Triglycerides (TG) level was evaluated by the same method of Wahlefeld, (1974) using Stanbio reagent Kits; USA. High density lipoprotein (HDL) was evaluated by the same way described by Finley et al., (1978) and Warnick et al., (1985) using ready-made kits by spectrum Diagnostics while low density lipoprotein was computed as the equation of Friedewald et. al., (1972).

LDL-Cholesterol=Total cholesterol – (HDL+TG/5)    


Liver function:

Serum aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase activities (ALT) were determined using the method of Reitman and Frankel, (1957) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) was evaluated by the method described by Belfield and Goldbery (1971) using ready-made kits by spectrum Diagnostics.


Kidney function:

Serum urea level was assayed according to Patton and Crouch, (1977), serum creatinine was determined according to Bowers and Wong, (1980) and uric acid was determined using ready-made kits by spectrum Diagnostics according to the method described by (Tietz, 1990).


During the experimental period the net feed intake was daily assessed, while body weight was weekly recorded. The net feed intake and gained body weight were used for calculation of Feed Efficiency Ratio (FER) as follows:


                      FER=daily Body weight gain(g)

                                       Feed intake (g)




Histopathological examination:

After the sacrifices, specimens of liver and kidney organs were dissected, washed and fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin. The fixed specimens were then trimmed, washed, dehydrated in ascending concentration of alcohol, cleared in xylene, embedded in paraffin, sectioned at 4-6µ thickness and stained by hematoxylin and eosin according toBancroft et al., (2013).

Statistical Analysis:

The collected data were analyzed using the SPSS (Statistical Program for Sociology Scientists) Statistics Version 15 for computing the mean values, LSD,  ANOVA (p < 0.05) and Duncan Multiple Range test (Armitage & Berry, 1987).


Results and Discussion


Chemical composition of raw materials is shown in Table (3), the results showed that the barley fraction D  recorded highest percentage of protein followed by quinoa then semolina while maize was the lowest value (18.88±0.00, 18.47±0.01, 16.80±0.02and 13.48±0.01, respectively). Jyoti and Chanu, (2018) indicated that quinoa contains high protein, fat, and ash. Quinoa revealed higher fat value than the other three flours. Ash content of quinoa and F.D was significantly different among them and semolina and maize flours. Barley fraction D showed highest fiber content compared to the others also contains higher amount of β– glucan (17.63%).  In this concern, the findings of Knuckles et al., (1992)indicated that the β- glucan perecntage in fraction D was higher than that of barley.


The obtained results in Table (4) showed that the highest protein content was in pasta sample Q2 containing 80% quinoa+ 20%F.D and (Q1) containing100% quinoa (19.27±0.44, 17.94±0.00, respectively) followed by pasta samples S3,S2 and S1 (17.76±0.04,17.74±0.02and 16.26±0.30, respectively) while samples M1, M2 and M3 recorded the lowest values (14.24±0.06, 15.47±0.23 and 15.82±0.44, in succession). It is clear that the addition of Q or F.D increase the protein content of pasta due to their high protein content. These data are in the accordance with the results of Jyoti and Chanu, (2018) who reported that quinoa has a high protein value (12.9-16.5%).  USDA (2016) reported that the quinoa has protein content higher than that of wheat (13.21g/100 g), corn (9.42 g/100 g) and barley (12.48 g/100 g).The pasta sample Q2 recorded high ash content followed by S2 (1.85±0.00 and 1.73±0.00, respectively). This may be ascribed to high minerals content in F.D which higher in minerals. These data are in harmony with Byung and Steven, (2008), who revealed that barley grains contained 1.5–2.5% minerals. The highest fat content was in Q1 sample followed by M3 then Q2 than the others, due to high fat content of quinoa. In this concern Jyoti and Chanu, (2018) showed that quinoa seeds oil ranged from 2 to 10%. The high fiber content was in S2 sample because it contained 30% F.D which is rich in β- glucan (as a soluble fiber). However, Q1 sample has the lowest carbohydrate content (72.17%) compared to the other samples.


The obtained results (Table 4) showed that the high contents of Ca, Mg, Fe, Zn, Mn and Cu were in Q1pasta sample (100% quinoa) compared with the remaining samples. In this regard, USDA (2016) clarified that quinoa contains high minerals content, also, Nascimento et al., (2014) indicated that quinoa had 5.45mg Fe/100g. Also, Jyoti and Chanu, (2018) found that quinoa had high level of magnesium.   

Regarding total phenols, data in (Table 4) showed that quinoa samples Q1and Q2 contained high total phenols (0.98±0.002 mg/g, and 0.9±0.002mg/g, respectively). Jyoti and Chanu, (2018) found that the quinoa seeds had high source of phenolic and flavonoid compounds when they studied on six types of quinoa from Chile.


Regarding amino acids profile of different prepared pasta, results in Table (5) revealed that the high valine and methionine values were in pasta S1, S2 and S3. These increases could be ascribed to the addition of fraction D or quinoa flour or may be attributed to semolina extracted from wheat that has high methionine(Sawsan et al., 2010). It could be noticed that 100% quinoa pasta showed high lysine content (1.74±0.06 g/100g) followed by S3 and Q2 (1.36 ±0.11 and 1.36± 0.1, respectively). It is clear that the supplementing with quinoa increased the values of most essential amino acids in pasta products. These results are in a harmony with those obtained by Jyoti and Chanu, (2018) who reported that essential amino acids  of quinoa are like as casein (protein of milk), which were found in quinoa in a good concentrations. Data disclosed that addition of F.D to formulas of pasta increases the percentages of most essential amino acids of some samples as valine, methionine, lysine, threonine and histidine. In this regared, Assem and Nassef (2004) and Sawsan et al., (2010) indicated that the supplementation of semolina with hull-less barley flour for pasta products by 10 or 30% improved its nutritional value.    





Biological Evaluation:

Body weight gain:


Results presented in Table (6) illustrated that all rat groups were similar in initial weight; however, their final weight was different among them. The group that was fed on normal diet (negative control) recorded lower weight than the positive control that was fed on hyperlipidemic diet (235.00±14.83 and 273.67±7.05g, respectively). It could be noticed that the animal groups that were fed on diets contained 100% semolina, 100% maize, 100% quinoa and diets contained semolina + quinoa or maize + quinoa showed high weight compared to that in control (1). These increases in weight could be attributed to semolina or maize flour that had high amount of carbohydrates. Moreover, quinoa is considered as a good source of protein and fat (17.94±0.00 and 8.71±0.35 %, respectively) as mentioned before in Table (4) and it has acceptable taste. Meanwhile, it was found that the rat groups fed on hypercholesterolemic diets + semolina + F.D or maize + F.D. or quinoa + F.D. showed lower weight than the control (2). This may be attributed to the addition of F.D in the diets because of its high soluble fiber content (β-glucan) (Apoorva et al., 2018). Similar weights were noticed among the control 1 and the rat groups (G2, G5 and G8) that were fed on the diets containing fraction D.


The lowest gain in weight was in group (2) which was fed on semolina + F.D. followed by G8 (quinoa + F.D.). Feeding rats on F.D led to reduction in body weight. These data confirmed with that reported by Menaga et al., (2012), who showed that β-glucan controlled blood glucose, insulin, lipids, food intake, and blood pressure.    

Regarding Feed Efficiency Ratio (FER), data in Table (7) illustrated that the lowest FER value were 8.5%, 10.2%, and 12.8% for G2, G8 and G5, in succession that were fed on diets containing F.D (high in β- glucan) which it is an excellent food material in the adjustment of metabolic syndrome. EL Khory et al., (2011) reported that the β-glucan has physiological impacts, which are responsible for its physicochemical and structural attributes reacting with the gastrointestinal tract, reversed by its role to synthesis viscous solutions at low percents in the top of the gastrointestinal tract and to submit fermentationin the colon.


On the contrary, the highest FER values were found in G4 followed by G3 (17.11±0.002 % and 15.44±0.009 %,respectively). This may be ascribed to the increase in the amount of maize as well as the high nutritive value of quinoa.


Lipid profile:

            The results in Table (7) showed that after feeding of rats on a hyper-cholesterolemic diet containing (10% sheep fat+ 1%cholesterol+ 0.25 cholic acid) for 4 weeks, total cholesterol increased significantly and induction of hypercholesterolemia took place.The highest total cholesterol was in control (2) (hypercholesterolemic diet) while the lowest was recorded in control (1) (negative control).


Data showed that G8, G2, G5, G7, and G6 had lower levels of total cholesterol (136.33±2.93, 156.67±2.38,163.33±2.74, 164.33±3.11 and 171.67±1.87, respectively)than that of control (2) group.


It is clear that the feeding on F.D (high in β-glucan) or quinoa decreased the total cholesterol levels especially G8 that fed on the diet containing F.D + quinoa. This group (G8) showed an improving in all lipid profile where HDL-c recorded higher level than all groups and their control.  It could be ascribed to the high effect of both F.D and quinoa together. Similar trend was noticed for the remaining decreasing the levels of T.G, LDL, and VLDL at the end of the experiment for groups fed on F.D or quinoa. It could be observed that groups fed on 100% semolina were higher in TC, TG, LDL-c and vLDL-c and lower in HDL-c than the groups fed on diets containing F.D (high in β-glucan) and quinoa. It is clear that the combination of β-glucan as F.D with quinoa showed a significant decrease in TC, TG, LDL-c levels (p˂ 0.05) comparing with control (2). These data are in agreement with those of Yun et al., (2003), El-Rabey et al., (2013) and Wang et al., (2015) they reported that β- glucan has an effect on hypercholesterolemia and helps for decreasing indices of atherogenic, by lowering cholesterol and bile acids during the absorption in the intestinal by combining to glucan. In addition, Zevallos et al., (2014) indicated that the diet supplemented with quinoa at 30% or 40% decreased levels of lipid profile (TC, TG, vLDL-c and LDL-c) while increased HDL-c. As well as Barakat and Mahmoud (2011) and Wang et al., (2012) illustrated that the increase in HDL ratio is one of the most important criteria anti- hypercholesterolemia agent.     


Liver functions:

Data in Table (8) showed significant differences between the negative group (C1) and the tested groups (P˂ 0.05) and its control (C2) at the induction period (4weeks).


The effect of added barley F.D (high in β-glucan) or quinoa flour for pasta products on serum activity of aspartate aminotransferase (ast), alanine aminotransferase (alt) and alkaline phosphatase (alp) as useful indicators for liver function in hyperlipidemic rats are presented in Table (8). There were significant decreases in serum activities of AST and ALT of hyperlipidemic rats fed on pasta especially those fed on pasta with F.D or quinoa G2, G3, G5, G6, G7, G8 by 33.34, 29.79, 11.34, 9.94, 22.7  and 28.36 %, as well as 29.79, 36.7, 28.72, 28.74, 31.91 and 38.83 %, respectively). However, G4 which fed on diet with 100% maize sample showed less decrease of AST and ALT activity in comparison with those groups which fed on F.D or quinoa after ten weeks by 2.13 and 15.95 %, respectively. The obtained results revealed that the decreasing of AST and ALT activity could be attributed to the F.D that has high in β-glucan or quinoa flours. However, data illustrated that the activity of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) of positive group (C2) had a high significant level in comparison with negative group (C1) (711.33±46.82 and 509.33±25.34, respectively). Data showed less decrease in the level of ALP hyperlipidemic rats fed on F.D or quinoa supplemented semolina pasta (G2 and G3) compared to positive group (C2), these concentrations were reduced by 16.92% and 25.1%, respectively. On the contrary, the groups G1 and G4 recorded higher increase in the serum activity of ALP than the positive group, this may be ascribed to the weak response of these groups which they fed on 100% semolina or 100% maize pasta because of that semolina or maize had low content of total phenols (0.31±0.006 and 0.29±0.004 mg/100 g, respectively) as shown in the previous mentioned Table (4). It is clear that the addition of either F.D (20%) or quinoa (30%) to maize pasta revealed less reduction in ALP levels by (2.34% and 6.33%, respectively) in comparison with the group fed on 100% maize pasta. These decreases may be due to that F.D (high in β-glucan) or quinoa had high content of total phenols (1.07 and 98±0.002 mg/100, respectively). These data are concurring with the findings of EL- Rabey et al., (2013) and Khalid and EL- Rabey (2015) they reported that β-glucan has strong antioxidant activities, as its molecules assist to forbid cell damage, binding by enzymes and lowers the impact of induce dietary cholesterol. As well as Emmanuel and Yao Tang, (2017) reported that barley contains phytochemicals have strong antioxidant for decreasing the cholesterol. Also, the high concentrations of antioxidant in barley may be main responsible for its health benefits.  


Data in Table (8) indicated that the ALP activity of both groups G7 and G8 showed clear decreases compared to the positive group by 32.79 and 27.22%, in succession. This probably due to the impact of quinoa or F.D for reducing the ALP activity. These results are in accordance with the findings of Halaby et al., (2017) and Radwa et al., (2019) they showed that addition of barley F.D (high in β-glucan) or quinoa to the hypercholesterolemic rats improving the liver function enzymes (AST, ALT and ALP) significantly.


Kidneys function:

The presented data in Table (8) revealed the effect of barley F.D (high in β-glucan) or quinoa flour of pasta products on serum levels of urea, creatinine and uric acid as indicators for kidneys function in hyperlipidemic rats.


No significant differences (Table, 8) between the positive group (C2) and all other groups at P˂ 0.05 after the induction period (4weeks) in the three parameters. Significant decreases were observed in serum contents of urea, creatinine then uric acid of all hypercholesterolemic rat groups especially those groups fed on pasta with F.D or quinoa after ten weeks except the G4 which fed on 100% maize pasta in the case of creatinine. This perhaps due to its low content of phenolic compounds (0.74 mg/dI). It could be observed that the reductions in the urea, creatinine then uric acid concentrations were in the hypercholesterolemic rat groups fed on semolina or maize pasta supplemented with F.D or quinoa. Meanwhile, the lowest concentrations of the above-mentioned parameters were noticed in group (G8) fed on pasta prepared from quinoa supplemented with F.D. This may be attributed to the quinoa conten of phenolic compounds or to the fraction D that high in β – glucan.


These decreases of urea, creatinine and uric acid concentrations may be improved kidneys function. In this concern Bayrak et al., (2008), El- Rabey et al., (2013), and Swelim et al., (2019) showed that β-glucan has powerful antioxidant which it attenuated the renal injury. In addition, Zevallos et al., (2014), and Halaby et al., (2017) indicated that  feeding on high cholesterol diet fortifications with 30% or  40% quinoa flour reduced urea, creatinine and uric acid in serum comparison with positive control group at p<0.05.


Histopathological changes:

Histopathology aims to examine of cells and tissues to give information on appearance, size and shape of sick cells in microscopic details.


Liver pathology:

Liver tissue section of negative control (C1) showed normal hepatic lobules which made up of radiating plate's or strands of polygonal cells with prominent round nuclei and eosinophilic cytoplasm vertical to central vein. Sinusoids lined by a discontinuous layer of fenestrated endothelial cells with fine arrangement of Kupffer cells (score 0) fig. A (C1).  On other side, hepatic tissue section of positive control (C2) showed disorganization of hepatic cords and necrobiotic changes of hepatocytes characterized by focal necrotic foci and hydropic degeneration of hepatocytes. Few number micro-vesicular steatosis and apoptotic bodies were seen (score IV) fig. A (C2). The hepatic parenchyma of animals groups treated by100% S, 70 %  S +30% Q, 100% M  or 70 %  M+30%Q showed disorganization of hepatic cords, swelling of hepatocytes with granularity of its cytoplasm. Narrowing of hepatic sinusoids and hyperplasia of Kupffer cells were seen. Few number micro-vesicular steatosis was seen (score III) fig. A (G1, G3, G4 and G6).  This improvement may be ascribed to the total phenols of used materials. Liver tissue section, of animals group treated by 80 % M+20%F.D revealed ballooning degeneration of hepatocytes. Narrowing of sinusoids with hyperplasia of Kupffer cells were seen (score II) fig. A (G5).


Hepatic lobules showed marked swelling, granularity of its cytoplasm with narrowing of hepatic sinusoids and hyperplasia of Kupffer cells (score I) in animals group treated by 70 %   S+30%F.D,  80 %Q + 20%F.D or 100% Q  fig. A (G2, G8 and G7). This improvement may be attributed to the used F.D and quinoa containing phenol compounds.


Kidneys pathology:

The kidneys tissue section of negative control (C1) showed normal histological structure characterized by circumscribe glomeruli with normal structure of capillary tufts and Bowman's capsule. The renal tubules of both proximal and distal convoluted tubules showed intact epithelial lining and regular arrangement (score 0) fig. B (C1).

The kidneys tissue of positive control (C2) revealed shrinkage of capillary tufts with widening of Bowman's space of some glomeruli. The renal tubules showed epithelial cell degeneration with marked swelling of tubular epithelial lining accompanied with narrowing and occlusion of tubular lumen. Tubular epithelial cell necrosis and apoptosis <50% (score 3) were seen fig. B (C2). The other treated groups  ( 100% S, 70 %  S+ 30 % F.D, 70 % S+ 30% Q, 100% M, 80 % M+20% F.D, 70 % M+ 30% Q and 100% Q) showed the same histological picture characterized by mild swelling of tubular epithelial cell lining and intra-tubular albumins droplets. Tubular epithelial cell degeneration, without significant necrosis or apoptosis was seen (score 1) fig. B (G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, G6 and G7). This improvement may be ascribed to their antioxidants. The kidney tissue section of animals group treated by 80 % Q+20%F.D showed normal histological structure characterized by circumscribe glomeruli with normal structure of capillary tufts and Bowman's capsule. The renal tubules of both proximal and distal convoluted tubules showed intact epithelial lining and regular arrangement (score 0) fig. B (G8). This improvement may be due to the Fraction D of barley which it containing high values of total phenols.


In this concern, EL Rabey et al., (2013), Khalid and EL-Rabey (2015),Abulnaja and El-Rabey (2015), and Etab (2018) reported that treating the hepatic tissues of hypercholesterolemic rats with 10% barley bran for eight weeks recorded normal hepatic aspect. Also they reported that kidneys tissue showed normal structure and normal glomeruli and pattern with histopathological alterations. This improvement in microscopic examination of tissues were found in groups fed on bran of barley with cholesterol. Bran of barley  have a protective function  against these histological changes because the high value of antioxidant especially β-glucan which has strong antioxidant features, as its molecules aid to forbid cell damage, binding by enzymes and lower the impact of  dietary cholesterol produced.Emmanuel and Yao Tang, (2017) indecated that barley contains phytochemicals such as phenolic acid which they are considerd as powerful antioxidant and able to cholesterol reducing. Radwa et al., (2019), illustrated that treated rats with barley β-glucan showed no histological changes.




Addition ofboth barley fraction D (high in β-glucan) and quinoa has a major effect on hypercholesterolemia. Its succeeded in reduce hypercholesterolemia which induced by high fat diet, cholesterol, and cholic acid  for 4 weeks in male rats by lowering lipid profile (TC, TG, LDL-c, and vLDL-c), liver enzymes and kidney functions. Also, barley fraction D (F.D) and quinoa flour improved liver and kidney tissues. So, barley F.D or quinoa or F.D + quinoa could be recommended for utilization in the Egyptian meals and medicines especially (Q2) treatment which similar to a normal control (negative control) treatment in most parameters and outperformed it in HDL-c parameter.






Table (1): The prepared different pasta formulas (%).






































Guar gum









Ascorbic acid









Corn starch


















 S1 =100% semolina as control,   S2 =70% semolina + 30% F.D, S3= 70% semolina + 30% Q, M1=100% maize as contro, M2=80% maize + 20% F.D,   M3=70% maize + 30% Q. Q1= 100% quinoa as control,  Q2 =80% quinoa + 20% F.D.  F.D =Fraction D. from barley flour. S=semolina M=maize   Q= quinoa   *=free gluten





















Table (2): The composition of rat diets.

The composition of rat diets

The ingredients






















Soybean oil











Sheep fat











Mineral mixture











Vitamin mixture

































Cholic acid











Choline choloride











Corn starch

































100 %=1000g












C1= Control 1(negative control) = rats fed on normal diet,   c2= Control 2 (hypercholesterolemic diet) = rats fed on hypercholesterolemic diet,

G1= rats fed on a diet 50% of (100%semolina),     G 2 = rats fed a diet 50% of (70%semolina + 30% F.D),     G 3 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (70% semolina+ 30% Q),   G 4 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (100%maize),   G5= rats fed on a diet 50% of (80% maize + 20% F.D) G6, = rats fed on a diet 50% of (70% maize+30% Q),   G7 = rats fed on a diet 50% of ( 100% quinoa),   G8 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (80% quinoa + 20 F.D).   F.D =Fraction D. from barley flour. * Fat from pasta products.  ** Protein from pasta products.




Table (3): Chemical composition of raw materials(g/100g dry wt. basis)                                                                                   



Raw materials




F.D of Barley


16.80 c


13.48 d ±0.01

18.47 b ±0.01

18.88 a





01.40 d


04.53 b ±0.01

08.70 a ±0.08

03.47 c



01.12 c


01.10 d ±0.00

01.76 b ±0.01

01.84 a



00.09 c


00.09 c ±0.00

00.35 b ±0.00

03.94 a



80.48 a


80.51 a ±0.16

70.72 c ±0.09

71.83 b


β-glucan (%)





Each value represents the mean of   3 samples (Mean ± SD). The same letters ineach column represents the insignificant difference at p˂ 0.05.
















Table (4): Chemical composition of different pastasamples (on dry wt. basis).



Pasta samples









Moisture (%)



13.07 a




11.8 a ±0.11

11.8b ±0.02





13.32 a


Protein (%)



17.74 a




14.2c ±0.06

15.4b ±0.23







Ash (%)

1.57 b

± 0.03

1.73 a

±0. 00

1.37 c


1.06 d ±0.01

1.36 c


1.40 c


1.70 a


1.85 a


Fat (%)


± 0.07

2.48 e


2.80 e




3.83 d ±0.19

5.39 b


8.71 a




Fiber (%)

0.08 g


1.21 a


0.69 c


00.0a ±0.00

0.45e ±0.01



0.24 f


0.52 d


Carbohydrate (%)



76.84 b ±0.03

77.3b ±0.32

79.6a ±0.11



72.17d ±0.75



Mineral  mg/100g


03.19 f


05.90 e


16.72c ±0.04

02.10g ±0.00

03.39f ±0.03

15.96d ±0.02

44.00a ±0.00

41.00b ±0.00




53.03 g




127.2e ±0.00

133.2d ±0.14

139.3c ±0.02

171.3b ±0.01

165.0a ±0.33




01.25 g


03.7e ±0.08

02.70f ±0.00

04.32d ±0.09

04.39c ±0.00

05.73b ±0.26

06.43 a ±0.47






02.05c ±0.00

00.97h ±0.00

01.43f ±0.00



03.10b ±0.00

03.20 a ±0.00




0.011d ±0.12

00.03c ±0.00

00.03c ±0.00

00.03b ±0.01

00.04b ±0.00

00.59a ±0.00

00.59 a ±0.00




00.15d ±0.11

0.80c ±0.00

00.07g ±0.00

00.08f ±0.00

00.10e ±0.00

01.05a ±0.00

01.01 b ±0.00

Total phenols(mg/g)


00.31 f±0.006

0.69 d






0.57 e ±0.006

0.85c ±0.002

00.98 a ±0.002

00.90b ±0.002



S1 =100% semolina as control,   S2 =70% semolina + 30% F.D, S3= 70% semolina + 30% Q,   M1=100% maize as control, M2=80% maize + 20% F.D, M3=70% maize +30% Q.  Q1= 100% quinoa as control,   Q2 =80% quinoa + 20% F.D.           F.D =Fraction D. from barley flour.     S= semolina      M= maize            Q= quinoa                Each value represents the mean of   3 samples ( Mean ± SD). The same letters in each column represents the insignificant difference at p˂ 0.05






Table (5): Amino acid contents of different pasta formulas (g/100g protein).


amino acids

Pasta samples











± 0.04


± 0.07

03.18b  ±0.08


± 0.11


± 0.08


± 0.09


± 0.08


± 0.00



± 0.01


± 0.02


± 0.02


± 0.09


± 0.10


± 0.08


± 0.07

00.60 e

± 0.18



± 0.09


± 0.08

01.36 b

± 0.11


± 0.00


± 0.02


± 0.10


± 0.06

01.36 b

± 0.10



± 0.04


± 0.02

03.35 b

± 0.03


± 0.04

02.29e± 0.03


± 0.08


± 0.01

02.11 f

± 0.02



± 0.03


± 0.18


± 0.05


± 0.07


± 0.02


± 0.06


± 0.01

03.46 h

± 0.01

Iso  leucine


± 0.04


± 0.16


± 0.14


± 0.13

01.84g  ±0.13


± 0.02


± 0.01

01.94 f

± 0.00



± 0.06


± 0.06


± 0.02


± 0.04


± 0.04


± 0.05


± 0.01

01.76 f

± 0.07



± 0.02

02.0 e

± 0.09


± 0.12


± 0.02


± 0.03


± 0.02


± 0.03

02.03 e

± 0.02

 S1 =100% semolina as control,   S2 =70% semolina + 30% F.D, S3= 70% semolina+ 30% Q, M1=100% maize as control M2=80% maize+20%F.DM3=70% maize+ 30% Q. Q1= 100% quinoa as control, Q2 =80% quinoa+ 20% F.D.  F.D =Fraction D. from barley flour .S= semolinaM= maize Q= quinoa    Each value represents

the mean of   3 samples ( Mean ± SD).The same letters in each column represents the insignificant difference at p˂ 0.05














Table (6): Effect of different prepared pasta on body weight gain of rats.

Rat Groups

Body weight gain (g)

Initial weight (g)

Final weight (g) (6weeks post induction)


Food          intake

Feed  Efficiency  Ratio (FER) %

Control 1





12.94 f±0.002

Control 2





14.40 d ±0.002






12.67 h ±0.002

G 2

177.3± 0.1




8.58 j ±0.002

G 3





15.44 b ±0.009






17.11 a ±0.002






12.82 g ±0.001






14.12 e ±0.007

G 7





14.53 c ±0.002






10.24 i ±0.002


Control 1 (negative control) = rats fed on normal diet,   Control 2 (hypercholesterolemic diet) = rats fed on hypercholesterolemic diet,     G1= rats fed on a diet 50% of (100%semolina),   G 2= rats fed a diet 50% of(70%semolina + 30% F.D),   G 3 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (70% semolina+ 30% Q),       G 4 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (100%maize),   G5= rats fed on a diet 50% of (80% maize + 20% F.D),   G6, = rats fed on a diet 50% of (70% maize+30% Q),   G7 = rats fed on a diet 50% of ( 100% quinoa),   G8 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (80% quinoa + 20 F.D)      F.D =Fraction D. from barley flour.Each value represents the mean of   6 rats (Mean ± SD). The same letters in each column represents the insignificant difference at p˂ 0.05










Table (7): Effect of different prepared pasta on the lipid profile of rats (mg/dl).



Rat groups












Zero time

98.95a ±0.23

99.05 a


98.85a ±0.31

99.03a ±0.35

98.63a ±0.48

99.00a.  ±0.45

98.9 a


98.58a ±0.27

98.58a ±0.33

98.83 a


After4 weeks

112.33b ±1.65

253.0a ±1.46

251.50a ±1.23

251.0a ±1.29

254.83a ±1.08

253.67a ±1.36

253.17a ±1.42

251.67a ±1.54

251.67a ±0.95

253.83a ±1.14

After10 weeks

119.0g ±2.39

325.0a ±4.94

183 b


156.67e ±2.38

173.67c ±3.51

186.33b ±3.69







136.33f ±2.93


Zero time

88.33a ±0.84

89.50a ±0.67

89.33a ±0.76a

88.67a ±0.76

88.67a ±0.76

88.83 a


88.5 a


89.33a ±0.61

89.17a ±0.83

89.17 a


After4 weeks

88.67b ±1.48

207.0a ±2.92

203.33a ±2.43

207.17a ±1.96

201.17 a±1.96

206.33a ±2.65

203.5a ±2.58

207.67a ±0.95

207.83a ±2.56

204.67a ±2.44

After10 weeks

84.67g ±4.46

283.67a ±4.23

155.0bc ±3.52

131.0e ±3.25

153.0cd ±3.85

163.0b ±3.35

143.33d ±2.38



129.67e ±1.17

107.33f ±1.52


Zero time

28.67a ±0.92

29.00a ±0.82

29.17a ±0.79

28.5 a


28.17a ±0.83

28.33a ±0.92

28.67a ±0.76

28.33a ±0.92

28.17 a


29.00a ±0.73

After4 weeks

32.67b ±0.56

36.00a ±1.93

35.67a ±0.21

35.67a ±1.54

35.5 a


35.83 a


37.0 a


35.00a ±0.37

36.5 a


36.67a ±0.82

After10 weeks

40.33bc ±1.17

36.00d ±0.56

36.33d ±0.56

41.0 b




36.0 d




37.33cd ±0.73



46.33a ±0.12


Zero time

53.55a ±0.13

53.43a ±0.10

53.52a ±0.12

53.71a ±0.08

53.45 a


53.53a ±0.13

53.38a ±0.16

53.58 a


53.52 a


53.57a ±0.13

After4 weeks

61.93b ±0.91

175.6a ±2.53

175.47a ±1.17

175.4 a


175.5a ±1.23

175.07a ±1.45

175.57a ±1.14

175.53a ±1.68

175.4 a ±1.05

175.4a ±1.34
















Continued Table 7

After 10 weeks

61.73 e ±2.41

221.93a ±3.58

104.67 c ±1.83

85.07 d ±4.28

101.8 c


114.73 b ±3.7

98.67 c


105.33 c ±1.98

118.07 b ±0.73

77.53 d ±1.62


Zero time

17.67 a ±0.17

17.90 a ±0.13

17.87 a ±0.15

17.73 a ±0.15

17.73 a ±0.15

17.77 a ±0.14

17.7 a


17.87 a ±0.12

17.83 a ±0.17

17.83 a ±0.14

After 4 weeks

17.73 b


41.40 a ±0.58

41.0 a


40.6 a


40.9 a


40.57 a ±0.53

40.9 a


40.97 a ±0.19

40.73 a ±0.51

40.83 a ±0.49

After 10 weeks

16.93 g ±0.89

56.73 a ±0.85

31.0bc ±0.65

25.93 e ±0.77

30.6cd ±0.7

32.6 b


28.67 d ±0.67

30.33cd ±0.62

26.2 e


21.47 f


Control 1(negative control) = rats fed on normal diet,   Control 2 (  hypercholesterolemic diet ) = rats fed on hypercholesterolemic diet,    G1= rats fed on a diet 50% of (100%semolina),   G 2= rats fed a diet 50% of (70%semolina + 30% F.D),     G 3 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (70% semolina+ 30% Q),   G 4 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (100%maize),   G5= rats fed on a diet 50% of (80% maize + 20% F.D), G6, = rats fed on a diet 50% of (70% maize+30% Q),   G7 = rats fed on a diet 50% of ( 100% quinoa),   G8 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (80% quinoa + 20 F.D).   F.D =Fraction D. from barley flour.Each value represents the mean of   6 rats ( Mean ± SD). The same letters in each column represents the insignificant difference at p˂ 0.05.















Table (8): Effect of different prepared pasta on the liver and kidneys function of rats.


Rat groups











Liver  functions

AST  (U/L)

Zero time

19.33a ±0.21

19.00a ±0.37

19.00a ±0.37

19.17a ±0.31

18.67a ±0.33

19.00a ±0.37





19.33a ±0.33

18.83a ±0.31

After 4 weeks

23.00b ±1.26

46.33a ±1.87

46.33a ±1.14

46.5a ±1.22









46.33a ±1.71

47.33a ±0.95

After 10 weeks

19.00f ±0.73

47.00a ±1.32

41.00c ±1.67

31.33e ±1.38

33.00de ±1.67

46.00ab ±0.97





36.33d ±1.65




Zero time

23.58a ±0.20

23.52a ±0.18

23.62a ±0.20

23.62a ±0.20

23.83a ±0.08

23.78a ±0.16





23.82a ±0.16



After 4 weeks

28.33b ±0.84

67.67a ±1.05

68.83a ±0.87

69.5a ±1.8









69.5a ±0.76



After 10 weeks

18.67e ±0.76

62.67a ±1.84

48.33bc ±0.92



39.67d ±0.56

52.67b ±5.06





42.67cd ±2.08

38.33d ±0.76


Zero time

545.83a ±0.40

547.5a ±0.3

546.67a ±.34

546.33a ±.34

546.67a ±.40

545.83a ±0.31





547.67a ±.34

546.67a ±0.37

After 4 weeks

545.83b ±4.01

611a ±0.37

611.5a ±0.34

610.5a ±0.34

611.17.a ±0.40

610.83a ±0.31





611.5a ±0.34

611.00a ±0.37

After 10 weeks

509.33d ±25.34

711.3b ±46.82

723b ±10.09

591c ±6.32

533 d


864.67a ±6.14





478d ±14.98

517.67d ±21.0

















Continued Table 8

Kidney functions (mg/dI)


Zero time

24.00a ±0.97

23.00a ±1.00

24.83a ±0.40

23.33a ±0.84

23.33a ±0.84

23.67a ±0.71

23.67a ±0.8

24.00a ±0.63

23.00a ±0.86



After 4 weeks

24.00b ±0.97

33.33a ±0.84

34.00a ±0.97

33.5a ±1.12

35.67a ±1.48

33.33a ±0.8

35.00a ±0.37

34.00a ±0.63

34.50a ±0.43



After 10 weeks

26.00d ±0.97

33.67a ±1.38

30.67b ±1.12

26.33d ±0.21



30.33b ±0.21

26.67cd ±0.21

28.67bc ±0.76

29.00b ±0.37




Zero time

0.52a ±0.01

0.52a ±0.00



0.52a ±0.01

0.53a ±0.01

0.53a ±0.01



0.54a ±0.02

0.53a ±0.01



After 4 weeks

0.52b ±0.01

0.79a ±0.00

0.79 a


0.79a ±0.01

0.79a ±0.02

0.79a ±0.04

0.79a ±0.02

0.79a ±0.02

0.79a ±0.01



After 10 weeks

0.60de ±0.01

0.72ab ±0.03

0.67bc ±0.03

0.60de ±0.01

0.63cde ±0.01

0.74a ±0.00

0.66bcd ±0.02

0.69abc ±0.03

0.67bc ±0.02



Uric acid

Zero time

3.25a ±0.05



3.27 a


3.22a ±0.03

3.22a ±0.03

3.17a ±0.02



3.23a ±0.02


3.2a  ±0.03



After 4 weeks

3.3a ±0.06

4.05a ±0.14

4.05 a ±0.12

4.05a ±0.05

4.07a ±0.1

4.05a ±0.09

4.03a ±0.04

4.05a ±0.08

4.05a ±0.08



After 10 weeks

3.1de ±0.11

3.6a ±0.07

3.48ab ±0.01

3.22c ±0.01

3.24c ±0.05

3.42b ±0.01

3.02de ±0.01

3.16cd ±0.1

2.96e ±0.00




Control 1(negative control) = rats fed on normal diet,   Control 2 ( hypercholesterolemic diet ) = rats fed on hyperchol esterolemic diet,    G1= rats fed on a diet 50% of (100%semolina),   G 2= rats fed a diet 50% of (70%semolina + 30% F.D),     G 3 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (70% semolina+ 30% Q),   G 4 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (100%maize),   G5= rats fed on a diet 50% of (80% maize + 20% F.D), G6, = rats fed on a diet 50% of (70% maize+30% Q),   G7 = rats fed on a diet 50% of ( 100% quinoa),   G8 = rats fed on a diet 50% of (80% quinoa + 20 F.D).   Each value represents the mean of   6 rats ( Mean ± SD). The same letters in each column represents the insignificant difference at p˂ 0.05.






























































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Fernandes, C.G.; Sachin, K. and S.;Arya, S. S.(2018).

Cereal based functional beverage: a review .Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Science, 8 (3): 914-919.


Finley, P.R.; Schifman, R.B.; Williams, R.J. and Lichti, D.A. (1978).

Cholesterol in high-density lipoprotein: use of Mg2+/dextran sulfate in its enzymic measurement. Clinical Chemistry. 24(6): 931-933.


Flegg, H.M. (1973).

An investigation for the determination of serum cholesterol by an enzyme method. Journal  Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 10:79–84





Friedewald, W.T.; Levy, R.I. and Fredrickson, D.S.(1972).

Estimation of the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge. Clinical Chemistry, 18(6):499-502.)


Ghada A. S. (2019).

Dietary Fiber, Atherosclerosis, and Cardiovascular Disease, Nutrients, 11(5): 1155.


Gordillo, S.B. D.; Díaz-Rizzolo, E.; Roura, T.; Massanés, and R. Gomis. (2016).

Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd), from nutritional value to potential health benefits. Journal of  Nutrition, 6(3): 2-10.


Halaby,M .S.; Manal, K. Abdel-Rahman,  and Rehab, A. H.(2017).

Protective Influence of Quinoa on Hypercholesterolemia in Male Rats.Current Science International, 06:  259-270.


Jyoti, G. and Chanu, H. (2108).

QUINOA (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) – The forgotten golden grain.International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, 7, 1.1-9.


Knuckles, B.E.; Chiu, M.M.and Betschart, A. A. (1992).

β-Glucan enriched fractions from laboratory-scale dry milling, Journal of Cereal Chemistry, 69 (2): 198-202.






Lichtman, A.H.; Clinton, S.K.; Iiyama, K.; Connelly, P.W.; Libby,

P. and Cybulsky, M. I. (1999).

Hyperlipidemia and atherosclerotic lesion development in LDL receptor-deficient mice fed defined semipurified diets with and without cholate. Arteriosclerosis, ThrombOSIS, and Vascular Biology, 19:1938-1944.


Menaga, D. Dhandapani, R. Rajakumar, S.and Ayyasamy, P.M. (2012).

Beta-Glucans: A New Source For Human Welfare. International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3 (1):1-5.


 Mohanty, B. P.;  Mahanty, A.; Ganguly, S. and Mitra, T. (2017).

Nutritional composition of food fishes and their importance in providing food and nutritional security, Food Chemistry, ‏ 293: 561-570.


Nascimento A C, Mota C, Coelho I, Gueifao S, Santos M, Matos A S, Gimenez A, Lobo M, Samman N and Castanheira .(2014).

“Characterisation of Nutrient Profile of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), Amaranth (Amaranthus causatus), and Purple Corn (Zea mays L.) Consumed in North of Argentina: Proximates, Minerals and Trace Elements”, Journal of Food Chemiystr, 148: 420-426.





Nowak V, D. J. and Ruth, C. U. (2015).

Assessment of the nutritional composition of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Food Chemistry doi:


Olorunnisola, O.; Bradley G. and Afolayan, A.  (2012).

Protective effect of T. violacea rhizome extract against hypercholesterolemia-induced oxidative stress in wistar rats. Molecules, 17:6033-6045.


Patton, C.J and Crouch, S.R. (1977). 

Spectrophotometric and Kinetics investigation of the Berthelot reaction for the determination of ammonia. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 49 (3): 464-469.


Paul, S.; Elke, A. and Eimear, G. (2013).

The increasing use of barley and barley by-products in the production of healthier baked goods, Trends in Food Science & Technology 29: 124-134.


Pellet, P.L. and Young,V.V.R. (1980).

Nutritional evaluation of protein foods.Published by the United Nation University. The United Nation’s University Hunger Programme. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Suppl. 4, The United University, Tokyo.


 Reitman, S, M.D.and   Frankel,S .(1957).

A Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Serum Glutamic Oxalacetic and Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminases. American J. of Clinical Pathology, 28 (1): 56–63.


Renata, V. T.;  Raˆnie B. P.;  Carlos R. F. G.; and Mı´riam D. H.(2012).

Microencapsulation of Flaxseed Oil by Spray Drying: Effect of Oil Load and Type of Wall Material. Drying Technology, 30: 1491–1501.


Sawsan, Y. E.F.; Eid, A. A. E.H. and Hussein, K. A. (2010).

Barley Flour and Durum Flour Blends in Macaroni Product.  Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(12): 6169-6178.


Skrbic, B, M, LOVAC, S; Dodig, D and Filipceu, B. (2009).

Effect of hull-less barley flour  and flakes on bread nutritional composition and sensory properties. Food Chemistry, 115:982-988.


Swelim, R.M.;  Farid, A. and Mostafa, K. (2019).

Hypolipidemic effects of barley-β-glucan in experimentally induced hyperlipidemic rats. Journal of Benha Veterinary Medical, 36 (2):13-23.


Tang, Y.; Li, X.; Chen, P.X.; Zhang B. and Hernandez, M. (2015).

Characterisation of fatty acid, carotenoid, tocopherol/tocotrienol compositions and antioxidant activities in seeds of three Chenopodium quinoa Willd. genotypes. Food Chemistry, 174: 502-508.





Tietz , N.W.(1969).

Determenation of glucose in blood using glucose oxidase with an alternative oxygen acceptor.  Annual Clinical Biochemistry, 6:24-25.


USDA:  National Nutrient Database for Standard. (2016) .

CitedJanuary11, 2017, availablefrom:


Wahlefeld, A. W. (1974).

Triglycerides: Determination after enzymatic hydrolysis, in Bergrneyer (ed.), Methods of Enzymatic Analysis, 2nd English edition. New York and London, Verlag Chemie Weinheim and Academic Press 1831 ff.


Wang, L.; Sun, J.; Yi, Q.; Wang, X. and Ju, X.  (2012).

Protective Effect of Polyphenols Extract of Adlay (Coix lachryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen Stapf) on Hypercholesterolemia-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats. Molecules, 17: 8886-8897.


Wang, Y., Harding, S.V., Eck, P., Thandapilly, S.J., Gamel, T.H., Abdel-Aal, E.-S.M., Crow, G.H., Tosh, S.M., Jones, P.J. and Ames, N.P. (2015).

High-Molecular- Weight β-Glucan Decreases Serum Cholesterol Differentially Based on the CYP7A1 rs3808607 Polymorphism in Mildly Hypercholesterolemic Adults. Journal of Nutrition, 146: 720-727




Warnick, G.R.; Ngugan, T. and  Albers, A. A . (1985).

comparison of improved precipitation methods for quantification of high density lipoprotein cholesterol. Clinical  chemistry,  31: 217-22.


Yousif, E.I.; Gadallah, M.G.E.  and Afaf M. S.(2012).

Physico-chemical and rheological properties of modified corn starches and its effect on noodle quality.  Annals of Agricultural Science, 57(1): 19–27.


Yun, C.-H.; Estrada, A.; Van Kessel, A.; Park, B.-C. and Laarveld, B.(2003).

β-Glucan, extracted from oat, enhances disease resistance against bacterial and parasitic infections. FEMS Immunology &Medical Microbiology, 35: 67-75.


Zevallos, V. F.; Herencia, L. I. and Chang,F. (2014).

Gastrointestinal effects of eating quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in celiac patients. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 109: 270-8.











التقييم التغذوى لعينات مختلفه من المکرونه المحضره من دقيقالکينوا

والشعير العالى فى محتواه من البيتاجلوکان

عنايات محمود حسن*– ماجدة ابراهيم حسن*

 سهير محمد القاياتى**– منى محمود عبد السلام بشير***

* استاذ التغذية- قسم الصناعات الغذائية - کلية الزراعة جامعة القاهرة.

** أستاذ علوم الاغذيه - مرکز بحوث الصحراء.

*** باحث مساعد – مرکز بحوث الصحراء.

الملخص العرب

الهدف الرئيسى من البحث هو دراسة تأثير کل من دقيق الشعير الذى تم رفع نسبة البيتاجلوکان فيه (المفردD ( وکذلک دقيق الکينوا على الجرذان المصابة بإرتفاع الکوليسترول و ذلک من خلال عمل مکرونه من دقيق کل من السيمولينا والذره و الکينوا حيث تم تدعيم  دقيق السيمولينا و الذره و الکينوا بنسبة 30% ، 20% على التوالى من  المفرد D، کذلک تم تدعيم السيمولينا و دقيق الذره بنسة 30%، 20% من دقيق الکينوا. إيضا تم إستخدام المکرونة المصنعة من  دقيق السيمولينا والذره و الکينوا بنسبة 100% کعينه ضابطه. تم تغذيه ستون جرذا على الوجبه العاديه  للجرذان لمده أسبوعين وذلک للأقلمه ، بعد ذلک تم تقسيمهم الى عشر مجموعات (سته جرذان/ مجموعه) . المجموعة الضابطه الأولى تم تغذيتها على الوجبه العاديه و المجموعه الضابطة الثانيه تم تغذيتهاعلى الوجبه العاديه المضاف اليها 10% دهون مشبعة (دهن حيوانى) و 25.% کوليک اسيد،  من المجموعة الثالثه وحتى المجموعة العاشرة  تم تغذيتهم مثل المجموعة الضابطة الثانيه مع نسب مختلفه من المکرونة المدعمه بالمفرد د و دقيق الکينوا. تم تجميع عينات الدم لتقديرالدهون فى بدايه ومنتصف  ونهاية التجربة  وکذلک وظائف إنزيمات الکبد و الکلى فى نهاية التجربه وصورة الدم الکامله. من العينات المجمعه  تبين أن المجموعة الظابطة الثانية (C2 ) هى أکثرالمجاميع خطورة فى إحداث الإصابة . اما الأغذية المدعمة بمفرد D للشعير الغنى بالبيتاجلوکان وکذلک  دقيق الکينوا أدت الى تحسن فى کل هذه القياسات ، کذلک حدث تحسن فى التغيرات الهيستولوجيه.

کما أظهرت المجموعةG8التى تغذت على 80% من دقيق الکينوا و20% من مفرد الشعيرD

کانت مشابهه للعينه الضابطة الأولى فى معظم القياسات وتفوقت عليها فى نسبة الليبوبروتين عالى الکثافه .



Abulnaja, K.O. and El Rabey, H.A. (2015).
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Atef, A.; Abou-Zaid; El-Faham, S.Y.and Wafaa4, H. E. (2014).
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Fernandes, C.G.; Sachin, K. and S.;Arya, S. S.(2018).
Cereal based functional beverage: a review .Journal of Microbiology Biotechnology and Food Science, 8 (3): 914-919.
Finley, P.R.; Schifman, R.B.; Williams, R.J. and Lichti, D.A. (1978).
Cholesterol in high-density lipoprotein: use of Mg2+/dextran sulfate in its enzymic measurement. Clinical Chemistry. 24(6): 931-933.
Flegg, H.M. (1973).
An investigation for the determination of serum cholesterol by an enzyme method. Journal  Annals of Clinical Biochemistry 10:79–84
Estimation of the concentration of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in plasma, without use of the preparative ultracentrifuge. Clinical Chemistry, 18(6):499-502.)
Ghada A. S. (2019).
Dietary Fiber, Atherosclerosis, and Cardiovascular Disease, Nutrients, 11(5): 1155.
Gordillo, S.B. D.; Díaz-Rizzolo, E.; Roura, T.; Massanés, and R. Gomis. (2016).
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd), from nutritional value to potential health benefits. Journal of  Nutrition, 6(3): 2-10.
Halaby,M .S.; Manal, K. Abdel-Rahman,  and Rehab, A. H.(2017).
Protective Influence of Quinoa on Hypercholesterolemia in Male Rats.Current Science International, 06:  259-270.
Jyoti, G. and Chanu, H. (2108).
QUINOA (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) – The forgotten golden grain.International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences, 7, 1.1-9.
Knuckles, B.E.; Chiu, M.M.and Betschart, A. A. (1992).
β-Glucan enriched fractions from laboratory-scale dry milling, Journal of Cereal Chemistry, 69 (2): 198-202.
Lichtman, A.H.; Clinton, S.K.; Iiyama, K.; Connelly, P.W.; Libby,
P. and Cybulsky, M. I. (1999).
Hyperlipidemia and atherosclerotic lesion development in LDL receptor-deficient mice fed defined semipurified diets with and without cholate. Arteriosclerosis, ThrombOSIS, and Vascular Biology, 19:1938-1944.
Menaga, D. Dhandapani, R. Rajakumar, S.and Ayyasamy, P.M. (2012).
Beta-Glucans: A New Source For Human Welfare. International Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, 3 (1):1-5.
 Mohanty, B. P.;  Mahanty, A.; Ganguly, S. and Mitra, T. (2017).
Nutritional composition of food fishes and their importance in providing food and nutritional security, Food Chemistry, ‏ 293: 561-570.
Nascimento A C, Mota C, Coelho I, Gueifao S, Santos M, Matos A S, Gimenez A, Lobo M, Samman N and Castanheira .(2014).
“Characterisation of Nutrient Profile of Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa), Amaranth (Amaranthus causatus), and Purple Corn (Zea mays L.) Consumed in North of Argentina: Proximates, Minerals and Trace Elements”, Journal of Food Chemiystr, 148: 420-426.
Nowak V, D. J. and Ruth, C. U. (2015).
Assessment of the nutritional composition of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Food Chemistry doi:
Olorunnisola, O.; Bradley G. and Afolayan, A.  (2012).
Protective effect of T. violacea rhizome extract against hypercholesterolemia-induced oxidative stress in wistar rats. Molecules, 17:6033-6045.
Patton, C.J and Crouch, S.R. (1977). 
Spectrophotometric and Kinetics investigation of the Berthelot reaction for the determination of ammonia. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 49 (3): 464-469.
Paul, S.; Elke, A. and Eimear, G. (2013).
The increasing use of barley and barley by-products in the production of healthier baked goods, Trends in Food Science & Technology 29: 124-134.
Pellet, P.L. and Young,V.V.R. (1980).
Nutritional evaluation of protein foods.Published by the United Nation University. The United Nation’s University Hunger Programme. Food and Nutrition Bulletin, Suppl. 4, The United University, Tokyo.
 Reitman, S, M.D.and   Frankel,S .(1957).
A Colorimetric Method for the Determination of Serum Glutamic Oxalacetic and Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminases. American J. of Clinical Pathology, 28 (1): 56–63.
Renata, V. T.;  Raˆnie B. P.;  Carlos R. F. G.; and Mı´riam D. H.(2012).
Microencapsulation of Flaxseed Oil by Spray Drying: Effect of Oil Load and Type of Wall Material. Drying Technology, 30: 1491–1501.
Sawsan, Y. E.F.; Eid, A. A. E.H. and Hussein, K. A. (2010).
Barley Flour and Durum Flour Blends in Macaroni Product.  Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences, 4(12): 6169-6178.
Skrbic, B, M, LOVAC, S; Dodig, D and Filipceu, B. (2009).
Effect of hull-less barley flour  and flakes on bread nutritional composition and sensory properties. Food Chemistry, 115:982-988.
Swelim, R.M.;  Farid, A. and Mostafa, K. (2019).
Hypolipidemic effects of barley-β-glucan in experimentally induced hyperlipidemic rats. Journal of Benha Veterinary Medical, 36 (2):13-23.
Tang, Y.; Li, X.; Chen, P.X.; Zhang B. and Hernandez, M. (2015).
Characterisation of fatty acid, carotenoid, tocopherol/tocotrienol compositions and antioxidant activities in seeds of three Chenopodium quinoa Willd. genotypes. Food Chemistry, 174: 502-508.
Tietz , N.W.(1969).
Determenation of glucose in blood using glucose oxidase with an alternative oxygen acceptor.  Annual Clinical Biochemistry, 6:24-25.
USDA:  National Nutrient Database for Standard. (2016) .
CitedJanuary11, 2017, availablefrom:
Wahlefeld, A. W. (1974).
Triglycerides: Determination after enzymatic hydrolysis, in Bergrneyer (ed.), Methods of Enzymatic Analysis, 2nd English edition. New York and London, Verlag Chemie Weinheim and Academic Press 1831 ff.
Wang, L.; Sun, J.; Yi, Q.; Wang, X. and Ju, X.  (2012).
Protective Effect of Polyphenols Extract of Adlay (Coix lachryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen Stapf) on Hypercholesterolemia-Induced Oxidative Stress in Rats. Molecules, 17: 8886-8897.
Wang, Y., Harding, S.V., Eck, P., Thandapilly, S.J., Gamel, T.H., Abdel-Aal, E.-S.M., Crow, G.H., Tosh, S.M., Jones, P.J. and Ames, N.P. (2015).
High-Molecular- Weight β-Glucan Decreases Serum Cholesterol Differentially Based on the CYP7A1 rs3808607 Polymorphism in Mildly Hypercholesterolemic Adults. Journal of Nutrition, 146: 720-727
Warnick, G.R.; Ngugan, T. and  Albers, A. A . (1985).
comparison of improved precipitation methods for quantification of high density lipoprotein cholesterol. Clinical  chemistry,  31: 217-22.
Yousif, E.I.; Gadallah, M.G.E.  and Afaf M. S.(2012).
Physico-chemical and rheological properties of modified corn starches and its effect on noodle quality.  Annals of Agricultural Science, 57(1): 19–27.
Yun, C.-H.; Estrada, A.; Van Kessel, A.; Park, B.-C. and Laarveld, B.(2003).
β-Glucan, extracted from oat, enhances disease resistance against bacterial and parasitic infections. FEMS Immunology &Medical Microbiology, 35: 67-75.
Zevallos, V. F.; Herencia, L. I. and Chang,F. (2014).
Gastrointestinal effects of eating quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) in celiac patients. American Journal of Gastroenterology, 109: 270-8.