Nutrition and food consumption of Females in theArab Republic of Egypt

Document Type : Original Article


1 2- Food Sci. Dept. Fac. Agric. Ain Shams Univ., Cairo, Egypt

2 1- National Institute of Nutrition, Cairo, Egypt


A cross sectional study was carried out on randomly selected Nutrition  and food consumption of females  aged 20 to 60 years,  200 females .from different regions of  Cairo.   Education status )P-value≤0.00), marital status of female(P-value≤0.00)and family size(P-value≤0.00)were greatly affected .  where such parameter were  greatly Affected .Showed a significant relationship with the age  groups.  Dietary intake  was collected using  food frequency of different types of food consumed by females . Energy food: the majority82.5%consumed sugar less than  three times per daily, building food ,Legumes were consumed by48.5% three times or less daily. Protective food: the vast majority (43.7%) consumed fruit less than three times daily.  Fats and sweets. Beverages, the majority (67.5%) consumed tea three times or less daily.   The daily Energy and macronutrient intake of  female  .There is no significant  difference age groups as affecting by most of their variables .  Similar Protein energy ratio, Carbohydrate energy ratio ,fat energy ratio and fiber .  The daily micronutrient intake of females  shows significance between different age groups as affected by most of their variables .Regarding to Vitamin A, there is a significant effect between difference age groups. Each other Calcium, Potassium, Sodium and phosphorus had significant difference rather than that of other.


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